Science and research

As a state, university-type college, Police Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague develops its science and research activity via individual departments and research establishments. Security research in long-term and medium-term projects predominates. The results of research activity are directly applied to education.

An extensive Reform of the System of Research, Development and Innovation in the Czech Republic was carried out in the field of research and development in 2008 by way of Government Resolution No. 287, dated 26 March. Police Academy of the Czech Republic formulated a total of 36 research projects for the definition of research requirements in the field of Security Research. The university is aiming to become involved in security research in the form of institutional research by way of public tenders or public contracts.

A research plan called "Identifying and Responding to Social Practices as a Theoretical Basis for the Development of Police Services" has been internally divided into four integrated research projects:

1. Integrated research project - "Current Problems in the Development of Police Science and Putting Its Knowledge into Practice"
2. Integrated research project - "Crisis Management in the Public and State Administration and Police of the Czech Republic"
3. Integrated research project - "Developing Criminal Science and Criminological Theories for the Requirements of Police Practices"
4. Integrated research project - "Optimising the System of Education at Police Academy of the Czech Republic."

Beyond the framework of the research plan, the second half of a research project with the identification number VD20072010B19 ("Developing New Methods in the Seizure of the Proceeds of Crime and Fighting against Money Laundering") is being implemented by the Faculty of Security and Law (in the years 2009 - 2010). The department obtained this project by participating in a public tender announced within the framework of the programme for Security Research 2006 - 2010, which was approved by Czech Government Resolution No. 188/2006 and Government Decree No. 461/2002 Coll., on special support for research and development from public resources and on public tenders in research and development.

Security research comes under so-called sectional programmes, which are specific in nature by virtue of the fact that the state is the user of the results in the vast majority of cases. Consequently, they may be funded with state support. As of 2009, applications for tenders will be invited for individual Security Research projects for the period 2010 - 2015. The university's scientific research activity will primarily be implemented within the framework of the cited projects.


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