Direct international cooperation based on bilateral agreements

Direct international cooperation with educational institutions abroad on the basis of bilateral agreements will primarily be implemented in the form of reciprocal placements for teachers and students. First and foremost, the nature of these dealings will continue to comprise the exchange of information and experiences in the field of education as well as the exchange of scientific information and the creation of conditions for personal contacts between teachers and students from the academy and teachers and student sfrom partner organisations. Priorities will be directed towards these foreign partners with a view to developing further cooperation with the following EU universities:

  • Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei Monster (Federal Republic of Germany),
  • Hochschule der Sächcischen Polizei Rothenburg (Federal Republic of Germany),
  • Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung Fachbereich Polizei Fürstenfeldbruck (Federal Republic of Germany),
  • Hochschule für Polizei Villingen Schweningen (Federal Republic of Germany),
  • Akadémia Policejného zboruv Bratislavě (Slovak Republic),
  • Žilinská univerzita v Žiline (Slovak Republic),
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Police Saint-Cyr-au.Mont-d´Or (France),
  • Wyzsza Sokola Policji Szcztytno (Poland),
  • Police College (Hungary).


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