Appraising the quality of activities

The main form of internal evaluation for the university's crucial areas of activity continues to be the process connected with the regular annual innovation of Police Academy of the Czech Republic's Long-Term Development Plan. The process of internally appraising activity involves university and faculty management as well as the academic community and experts (by way of the Academic Senate and the Scientific Council). The results are used in the Academy's Long-Term Development Plan and annual reports as well as in faculties' annual reports and development plans.

This main form of internal evaluation will be supplemented with the findings of inspection activity in the areas of learning and research, which will primarily be carried out at the level of departments and faculties. Important information such as the bases for internal appraisal will also continue to be obtained via the university's specialised inspection bodies, internal auditing and general inspection bodies. We consider the existing structure of inspection bodies to be optimal and we do not anticipate making any fundamental changes to them.

The external evaluation of the university follows two basic lines. The Accreditation Commission carries out an appraisal that aims to compare the objectives of Police Academy of the Czech Republic at the time accreditation was awarded with the actual situation. The content of the evaluation primarily comprises the actual implementation of accredited study programmes, scholarly, research and development activities, the arrangement of study programmes (especially in the area of human resources and information), along with the introduction of changes pertaining to the arrangement of space and materials. It also ascertains how the number of students accepted in individual years in all accredited fields of study has evolved together with the current absolute number of students at the university.

The Ministry of the Interior exercises its authority over the university in accordance with the provisions of Act. No. 111/1998 Coll., on universities, as amended. In particular, this authority is fulfilled by the ministry expressing its opinion on proposals for the accreditation of study programmes formulated by the university as well as by stipulating the numbers of study applicants accepted for individual forms of study and by approving the university's statutory regulations. Besides this, the Ministry of Finance also exercises general supervision over the university. Inspection activity at the university will also continue to be performed by certain other state administration bodies. The results of these inspections will continue to be part of the external evaluation of the university.


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